At the open source Metabolism of Cities website we want to create a database with urban metabolism data and indicators. That is, we plan to examine a variety of research studies that have calculated particular values (material extraction, emissions, construction material use, imports, exports, etc.) for an urban/provincial region. The metabolism indicators will also take into account energy, water, air pollution as well as urban characteristics indicators. By creating one large masterlist of these values it is much easier for other researchers to see what values are out there and to compare their own data to other studies. We aim to do this at different spatial scales as well: region, city, municipalities, ... With this big masterlist it will therefore also become possible to identify indicators for resource use and pollution emission.
Our final goal is to provide everyone in the community with the following tools:
We need help identifying suitable studies, extracting relevant numbers, and presenting the data! We can use help in many forms, and would hereby like to invite anyone to join us. We don't work with strict deadlines and you can contribute as much or as little as you are able to. We welcome all support and hope to slowly but steadily assemble a global team of urban metabolism enthusiasts!
Specific tasks we need you help with include: