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7 publications found.

Flows, system boundaries and the politics of urban metabolism: Waste management in Mexico City and Santiago de Chile

Journal Article
Louise Guibrunet and Martin Sanzana Calvet and Vanesa Castán Broto

The energy metabolism of megacities

Journal Article
Angelo Facchini and Chris Kennedy and Iain Stewart and Renata Mele

Cambio Climático y el Metabolismo Urbano de las Megaurbes Latinoamericanas

Journal Article
Delgado, Gian Carlo and Campos Chávez, Cristina and Rentería Juárez, Patricia

Cities and greenhouse gas emissions: moving forward

Journal Article
Hoornweg, Daniel and Sugar, Lorraine and Trejos Gomez, Claudia Lorena

The Raw Material Equivalents of International Trade

Journal Article
Pablo Muñoz

Material Flows in Latin America

Journal Article
Daniela Russi