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10 publications found.

Social metabolism: a metrics for biophysical growth and degrowth

Journal Article
Marina Fischer-Kowalski and Helmut Haberl

Metabolism of the Anthroposphere: Analysis, Evaluation, Design

Journal Article
Peter Baccini and Paul Brunner

Local Studies Manual: A researcher's guide for investigating the social metabolism of rural systems

Journal Article
Singh, Simron J and Ringhofer, Lisa and Haas, Willi and Krausmann, Fridolin and Fischer-Kowalski, Marina

Environmental Impact of the use of Natural Resources and Products

Journal Article
van der Voet, Ester and van Oers, Lauran and de Bruyn, Sander and de Jong, Femke and Tukker, Arnold

Economy-wide Material Flow Accounting "Guide for beginners"

Journal Article
Eisenmenger, Nina and Haas, Willi and Krausmann, Fridolin and Schütz, Helmut and Weisz, Helga

Practical Handbook of Material Flow Analysis

Journal Article
Brunner, PH and Rechberger, H