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8 publications found.

A multi-regional soil phosphorus balance for exploring secondary fertilizer potential: the case of Norway

Journal Article
Hanserud, Ola Stedje, and Brod, Eva, and Ødegaard, Anne Falk, and Müller, Daniel B., and Brattebø, Helge

Investigating Cross-Sectoral Synergies through Integrated Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Agriculture Phosphorus Assessments: A Case Study of Norway

Journal Article
Hamilton, Helen A., and Brod, Eva, and Hanserud, Ola S., and Gracey, Erik O., and Vestrum, Magnus I., and Bøen, Anne, and Steinhoff, Franciska S., and Müller, Daniel B., and Brattebø, Helge

Dynamic material flow analysis for PCBs in the Norwegian building stock

Journal Article
Bergsdal, Håvard, and Bratterbø, Helge, and Müller, Daniel B.

Transforming the Norwegian Dwelling Stock to reach the 2 Degrees Celsius Climate Target

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Sjöstrand, Karin, and Müller, Daniel B.

Cities and greenhouse gas emissions: moving forward

Journal Article
Hoornweg, Daniel and Sugar, Lorraine and Trejos Gomez, Claudia Lorena

Dynamic material flow analysis for Norway's dwelling stock

Journal Article
Bergsdal, Håvard and Brattebø, Helge and Bohne, Rolf A. and Müller, Daniel B.