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17 publications found.

Monitoring Urban Copper Flows in Stockholm, Sweden: Implications of Changes Over Time

Journal Article
Amneklev, Jennie and Augustsson, Anna and Sörme, Louise and Bergbäck, Bo

Implementing Smart Urban Metabolism in the Stockholm Royal Seaport: Smart City SRS

Journal Article
Shahrokni, Hossein and Årman, Louise and Lazarevic, David and Nilsson, Anders and Brandt, Nils

Uncertainty in Material Flow Analysis Indicators at Different Spatial Levels

Journal Article
Patrício, João and Kalmykova, Yuliya and Rosado, Leonardo and Lisovskaja, Vera

Urban Economies Resource Productivity and Decoupling: Metabolism Trends of 1996--2011 in Sweden, Stockholm, and Gothenburg

Journal Article
Kalmykova, Yuliya and Rosado, Leonardo and Patrício, João

Pathways and Management of Phosphorus in Urban Areas

Journal Article
Yuliya Kalmykova

Cities and greenhouse gas emissions: moving forward

Journal Article
Hoornweg, Daniel and Sugar, Lorraine and Trejos Gomez, Claudia Lorena

Food Consumption and Nutrient Flows: Nitrogen in Sweden Since the 1870s

Journal Article
Schmid Neset, Tina-Simone

Urban Metal Flows - A Case Study of Stockholm. Review and Conclusions

Journal Article
Bergbäck, B and Johansson, K and Mohlander, U

Dynamic substance flow analysis: the delaying mechanism of stocks, with the case of PVC in Sweden

Journal Article
Kleijn, René; Huele, Ruben; van der Voet, Ester

Material Flow Accounting and Information for Environmental Policies in the City of Stockholm

Journal Article
Burström, Fredrik and Brandt, Nils and Frostell, Björn and Mohlander, Ulf