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18 publications found.

Indicators of urban metabolism applied to the management of urban solid waste in the city of Tandil, Province of Buenos Aires

Journal Article
Luciano Villalba, Roxana Banda Noriega, Rubén Donalisio, Beatriz Sosa, Adriana Díaz

Indicators for sustainable cities

Journal Article
Science for Environment Policy

Social metabolism: a metrics for biophysical growth and degrowth

Journal Article
Marina Fischer-Kowalski and Helmut Haberl

Uncertainty in Material Flow Analysis Indicators at Different Spatial Levels

Journal Article
Patrício, João and Kalmykova, Yuliya and Rosado, Leonardo and Lisovskaja, Vera

Developing a multi-layered indicator set for urban metabolism studies in megacities

Journal Article
Kennedy, Chris and Stewart, Iain D. and Ibrahim, Nadine and Facchini, Angelo and Mele, Renata

Urban metabolism assessment tools for resource efficient urban infrastructure

Journal Article
Robinson, Blake and Musango, Josephine and Swilling, Mark and Joss, Simon and Mentz Lagrange, Sasha

The Ecological Footprint: Application in the Province of Tucumán

Journal Article
Ricardo René Ferrari; Ana Isabel Dantur; Lucía Zarbá

Towards a national circular economy indicator system in China: an evaluation and critical analysis

Journal Article
Yong Geng and Jia Fu and Joseph Sarkis and Bing Xue

Methodology and Indicators of Economy-wide Material Flow Accounting

Journal Article
M. Fischer-Kowalski, F. Krausmann, S. Giljum, S. Lutter, A. Mayer, S. Bringezu, Y. Moriguchi, H. Sch¨utz, H. Schandl, and H. Weisz

Environmental Impact of the use of Natural Resources and Products

Journal Article
van der Voet, Ester and van Oers, Lauran and de Bruyn, Sander and de Jong, Femke and Tukker, Arnold

Materials Flow Analysis and Emergy Evaluation of Taipei's Urban Construction

Journal Article
Huang, Shu-Li and Hsu, Wan-Ling

Dynamic substance flow analysis: the delaying mechanism of stocks, with the case of PVC in Sweden

Journal Article
Kleijn, René; Huele, Ruben; van der Voet, Ester