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24 publications found.

The Weight of Cities: Resource Requirements of Future Urbanization

Journal Article
Swilling, M. and Hajer, M. and Baynes, T. and Bergesen, J. and Labbé, F. and Musango, J.K. and Ramaswami, A. and Robinson, B. and Salat, S. and Suh, S. and Currie, P. and Fang, A. and Hanson, A and Kruit, K. and Reiner, M. and Smit, S. and Tabory, S.

A bibliometric review on natural resource accounting during 1995-2014

Journal Article
Shaozhuo Zhong and Yong Geng and Wenjing Liu and Cuixia Gao and Wei Che

A review of urban metabolism studies to identify key methodological choices for future harmonization and implementation

Journal Article
Didier Beloin-Saint-Pierre and Benedetto Rugani and Sébastien Lasvaux and Adélaïde Mailhac and Emil Popovici and Galdric Sibiude and Enrico Benetto and Nicoleta Schiopu

Studying construction materials flows and stock: A review

Journal Article
Vincent Augiseau and Sabine Barles

Surveying the Environmental Footprint of Urban Food Consumption

Journal Article
Goldstein, Benjamin and Birkved, Morten and Fernández, John and Hauschild, Michael

Indicators for sustainable cities

Journal Article
Science for Environment Policy

Urban Metabolism: A Review of Current Knowledge and Directions for Future Study

Journal Article
Yan Zhang and Zhifeng Yang and Xiangyi Yu

Concepts and methodologies for measuring the sustainability of cities

Journal Article
Yetano Roche, María and Lechtenböhmer, Stefan and Fischedick, Manfred and Gröne, Marie-Christine and Xia, Chun and Dienst, Carmen

Material Flow Analysis (MFA) for Liveable Cities

Journal Article
Dexter V.L. Hunt; Joanne M. Leach; Susan E. Lee, Chris Bouch, Peter Braithwaite, Christopher D.F. Rogers

Metabolism of megacities: A review and synthesis of the literature

Journal Article
Iain Stewart; Chris Kennedy; Angelo Facchini

The future of mobility and its critical raw materials

Journal Article
Ziemann, Saskia, and Grunwald, Armin, and Schebek, Liselotte, and Müller, Daniel B., and Weil, Marcel

Urban metabolism assessment tools for resource efficient urban infrastructure

Journal Article
Robinson, Blake and Musango, Josephine and Swilling, Mark and Joss, Simon and Mentz Lagrange, Sasha

The study of urban metabolism and its applications to urban planning and design

Journal Article
Kennedy, C and Pincetl, S and Bunje, P

The Changing Metabolism of Cities

Journal Article
Christopher Kennedy

Material flow accounting and analysis: A Valuable Tool for Analyses of Society-Nature Interrelationships

Journal Article
Hinterberger, Friedrich and Giljum, Stefan and Hammer, Mark

Society's Metabolism - The Intellectual History of Materials Flow Analysis, Part II, 1970-1998

Journal Article
Marina Fischer-Kowalski and Walter Hüttler

Input-Output Analysis: The First Fifty Years

Journal Article
Adam Rose and William Miernyk