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6 publications found.

Exploring the energy use drivers of 10 cities at microscale level

Journal Article
Aristide Athanassiadis , Gabriela Fernandez, Joao Meirelles , Franziska Meinherz , Paul Hoekman , Yves Bettignies Cari

Structural, geographic, and social factors in urban building energy use: Analysis of aggregated account-level consumption data in a megacity

Journal Article
Erik Porse and Joshua Derenski and Hannah Gustafson and Zoe Elizabeth and Stephanie Pincetl

Contextualizing the Urban Metabolism of Brussels: Correlation of resource use with local factors

Journal Article
Aristide Athanassiadis , Philippe Bouillard

Estimation of the CO2 absorption footprint of the General Pueyrredón Partido (Argentina), 2010

Journal Article
María Cecilia Gareis and Rosana Fatima Ferraro

Spatial indicator of urban metabolism. Ecological Footprint of the city of Tandil, Argentina

Journal Article
Guerrero, Elsa Marcela and Guiñirgo, Fernando