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8 publications found.

Sinks as limited resources? A new indicator for evaluating anthropogenic material flows

Journal Article
Ulrich Kral, Paul Brunner, Pi-Cheng Chen, Sih-Rong Chen

Cities and greenhouse gas emissions: moving forward

Journal Article
Hoornweg, Daniel and Sugar, Lorraine and Trejos Gomez, Claudia Lorena

Greenhouse gas emissions from global cities

Journal Article
Kennedy, Christopher and Steinberger, Julia and Gasson, Barrie and Hansen, Yvonne and Hillman, Timothy and Havranek, Miroslav and Pataki, Diane and Phdungsilp, Aumnad and Ramaswami, Anu and Mendez, Gara Villalba

Smart Labels for Waste and Resource Management

Journal Article
Binder, Claudia R.

Industrial Ecology in Geneva. First results and future research

Journal Article
GEDEC and Suren Erkman

Material flow analysis: A tool to support environmental policy decision making. Case-studies on the city of Vienna and the Swiss lowlands

Journal Article
Hendriks, Carolyn and Obernosterer, Richard and Müller, Daniel and Kytzia, Susanne and Baccini, Peter and Brunner, Paul H