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9 publications found.

Maintenance and Expansion: Modeling Material Stocks and Flows for Residential Buildings and Transportation Networks in the EU25

Journal Article
Wiedenhofer, Dominik and Steinberger, Julia K. and Eisenmenger, Nina and Haas, Willi

The Spanish Transition to Industrial Metabolism: Long-Term Material Flow Analysis (1860-2010)

Journal Article
Infante-Amate, Juan and Soto, David and Aguilera, Eduardo and García-Ruiz, Roberto and Guzmán, Gloria and Cid, Antonio and González de Molina, Manuel

An integrated material metabolism model for stocks of urban road system in Beijing, China

Journal Article
Guo, Zhen; Hu, Dan; Zhang, Fuhua; Huang, Guolong; Xiao, Qiang

The role of in-use stocks in the social metabolism and in climate change mitigation

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Müller, Daniel B.

Centennial Evolution of Aluminum In-Use Stocks on Our Aluminized Planet

Journal Article
Gang Liu, and Müller, Daniel B.

The future of mobility and its critical raw materials

Journal Article
Ziemann, Saskia, and Grunwald, Armin, and Schebek, Liselotte, and Müller, Daniel B., and Weil, Marcel

Reconciling sectoral abatement strategies with global climate targets: The case of the Chinese passenger vehicle fleet

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Dhaniati, Ni Made A., and Müller, Daniel B.

The role of automobiles for the future of aluminium recycling

Journal Article
Modaresi, Roja, and Müller, Daniel B.