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6 publications found.

Analysis of High-Resolution Utility Data for Understanding Energy Use in Urban Systems: The Case of Los Angeles, California

Journal Article
Pincetl, Stephanie and Graham, Robert and Murphy, Sinnott and Sivaraman, Deepak

Towards Urban Resource Flow Estimates in Data Scarce Environments: The Case of African Cities

Journal Article
Currie, Paul and Lay-Sleeper, Ethan and Fernandez, John E and Kim, Jenny and Musango, Josephine Kaviti

Carbon emissions of infrastructure development

Journal Article
Müller, Daniel B., and Gang Liu, and Løvik, Amund N., and Modaresi, Roja, and Pauliuk, Stefan, and Steinhoff, Franciska S., and Brattebø, Helge

Material Flow Analysis of plastic products in Austria - Emphasis on data uncertainties in consumption sectors and solid waste management

Journal Article
Feketitsch, Julia and Buchner, Hanno and Lederer, Jakob and Laner, David and Fellner, Johann

Aluminium Recycling - Raw material supply from a volume and quality constraint system

Journal Article
Rombach, Georg, and Modaresi, Roja, and Muller, Daniel B.