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28 publications found.

City Carbon Footprint Networks

Journal Article
Chen, Guangwu and Wiedmann, Thomas and Hadjikakou, Michalis and Rowley, Haze

Comparing a territorial-based and a consumption-based approach to assess the local and global environmental performance of cities

Journal Article
Aristide Athanassiadis and Maarten Christis and Philippe Bouillard and An Vercalsteren and Robert H. Crawford and Ahmed Z. Khan

Quantifying Impacts of Consumption Based Charge for Carbon Intensive Materials on Products

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Neuhoff, Karsten, and Owen, Anne, and Wood, Richard

The Efficiency of Informality: Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Reductions from Informal Recycling in Bogotá, Colombia

Journal Article
Vergara, Sintana E. and Damgaard, Anders and Gomez, Daniel

Towards a Dynamic Approach to Urban Metabolism: Tracing the Temporal Evolution of Brussels' Urban Metabolism from 1970 to 2010

Journal Article
Athanassiadis, Aristide and Bouillard, Philippe and Crawford, Robert H. and Khan, Ahmed Z.

Transnational city carbon footprint networks - Exploring carbon links between Australian and Chinese cities

Journal Article
Guangwu Chen and Thomas Wiedmann and Yafei Wang and Michalis Hadjikakou

Carbon, water and energy fluxes of terrestrial ecosystems in Italy

Journal Article
Dario Papale, Mirco Migliavacca, Edoardo Cremonese, Alessandro Cescatti, Giorgio Alberti, Nicola Arriga, Manuela Balzarolo, Luca Belelli, Eleonora Canfora, Raffaele Casa, Pierpaolo Duce, Osvaldo Facini, Marta Galvagno, Lorenzo Genesio, Damiano Gianelle, Enzo Magliulo, Giorgio Matteucci, Leonardo Montagnani, Fabio Petrella, Andrea Pitacco, Guenther Seufert, Donatella Spano, Paolo Stefani, Francesco Vaccari, Riccardo Valentini

Competition for land: a sociometabolic perspective

Journal Article
Helmut Haberl

Fluxes of urban pollution from the city of Naples (IT)

Journal Article
D. Famulari, I. Russo, R. Vuolo, G. Tirimberio, P. Di Tommasi, A. Esposito, G. Agrillo, M. Tosca, B. Gioli, E. Magliulo, A. Mazzarella, R. Viola, A. Riccio, A. Zaldei, P. Toscano

A material flow model for impurity accumulation in beverage can recycling systems

Journal Article
Løvik, Amund N., and Müller, Daniel B.

Global carbon benefits of material substitution in passenger cars until 2050 and the impact of the steel and aluminium industries

Journal Article
Modarsi, Roja, and Pauliuk, Stefan, and Løvik, Amund N., and Müller, Daniel B.

The Global Resource Footprint of Nations

Journal Article
Arnold Tukker and Tatyana Bulavskaya and Stefan Giljum and Arjan de Koning and Stephan Lutter and Moana Simas and Konstantin Stadler and Richard Wood

The role of in-use stocks in the social metabolism and in climate change mitigation

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Müller, Daniel B.

Carbon emissions of infrastructure development

Journal Article
Müller, Daniel B., and Gang Liu, and Løvik, Amund N., and Modaresi, Roja, and Pauliuk, Stefan, and Steinhoff, Franciska S., and Brattebø, Helge

Contextualizing the Urban Metabolism of Brussels: Correlation of resource use with local factors

Journal Article
Aristide Athanassiadis , Philippe Bouillard

Stock dynamics and emission pathways of the global aluminium cycle

Journal Article
Gang Liu, and Bangs, Colton E, and Müller, Daniel B.

The Roles of Energy and Material Efficiency in Meeting Steel Industry CO2 Targets

Journal Article
Milford, Rachel L., and Pauliuk, Stefan, and Allwood, Julian M., and Müller, Daniel B.

Transforming the Norwegian Dwelling Stock to reach the 2 Degrees Celsius Climate Target

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Sjöstrand, Karin, and Müller, Daniel B.

Reconciling sectoral abatement strategies with global climate targets: The case of the Chinese passenger vehicle fleet

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Dhaniati, Ni Made A., and Müller, Daniel B.

Unearthing potentials for decarbonizing the U.S. aluminium cycle

Journal Article
Gang Liu, and Bangs, Colton E, and Müller, Daniel B.

Methodology for inventorying greenhouse gas emissions from global cities

Journal Article
Kennedy, Christopher and Steinberger, Julia and Gasson, Barrie and Hansen, Yvonne and Hillman, Timothy and Havranek, Miroslav and Pataki, Diane and Phdungsilp, Aumnad and Ramaswami, Anu and Villalba, Gara

Greenhouse gas emissions from global cities

Journal Article
Kennedy, Christopher and Steinberger, Julia and Gasson, Barrie and Hansen, Yvonne and Hillman, Timothy and Havranek, Miroslav and Pataki, Diane and Phdungsilp, Aumnad and Ramaswami, Anu and Mendez, Gara Villalba