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7 publications found.

City Carbon Footprint Networks

Journal Article
Chen, Guangwu and Wiedmann, Thomas and Hadjikakou, Michalis and Rowley, Haze

Transnational city carbon footprint networks - Exploring carbon links between Australian and Chinese cities

Journal Article
Guangwu Chen and Thomas Wiedmann and Yafei Wang and Michalis Hadjikakou

Cities and greenhouse gas emissions: moving forward

Journal Article
Hoornweg, Daniel and Sugar, Lorraine and Trejos Gomez, Claudia Lorena

In-Use Stocks of Metals: Status and Implications

Journal Article
M. Gerst and T.E. Graedel

Copper and zinc recycling in Australia: potential quantities and policy options

Journal Article
D. van Beers, A. Kapur, T.E. Graedel

Spatial characterisation of multi-level in-use copper and zinc stocks in Australia

Journal Article
D. van Beers and Thomas E. Graedel