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24 publications found.

Global scenarios of urban density and its impacts on building energy use through 2050

Journal Article
Güneralp, Burak and Zhou, Yuyu and Ürge-Vorsatz, Diana and Gupta, Mukesh and Yu, Sha and Patel, Pralit L. and Fragkias, Michail and Li, Xiaoma and Seto, Karen C.

Investigating Cross-Sectoral Synergies through Integrated Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Agriculture Phosphorus Assessments: A Case Study of Norway

Journal Article
Hamilton, Helen A., and Brod, Eva, and Hanserud, Ola S., and Gracey, Erik O., and Vestrum, Magnus I., and Bøen, Anne, and Steinhoff, Franciska S., and Müller, Daniel B., and Brattebø, Helge

Urban Metabolism: A Review of Current Knowledge and Directions for Future Study

Journal Article
Yan Zhang and Zhifeng Yang and Xiangyi Yu

Component- and alloy-specific modeling for evaluating aluminium recycling strategies for vehicles

Journal Article
Modarsi, Roja, and Løvik, Amund N., and Müller, Daniel B.

Global carbon benefits of material substitution in passenger cars until 2050 and the impact of the steel and aluminium industries

Journal Article
Modarsi, Roja, and Pauliuk, Stefan, and Løvik, Amund N., and Müller, Daniel B.

Industrial metabolism of PVC in China: A dynamic material flow analysis

Journal Article
Zhou, Yucheng; Yang, Ning; Hu, Shanying

Stock dynamics and emission pathways of the global aluminium cycle

Journal Article
Gang Liu, and Bangs, Colton E, and Müller, Daniel B.

The Roles of Energy and Material Efficiency in Meeting Steel Industry CO2 Targets

Journal Article
Milford, Rachel L., and Pauliuk, Stefan, and Allwood, Julian M., and Müller, Daniel B.

The Steel Scrap Age

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Milford, Rachel L., and Müller, Daniel B., and Allwood, Julian M.

Transforming the Norwegian Dwelling Stock to reach the 2 Degrees Celsius Climate Target

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Sjöstrand, Karin, and Müller, Daniel B.

Aluminium Recycling - Raw material supply from a volume and quality constraint system

Journal Article
Rombach, Georg, and Modaresi, Roja, and Muller, Daniel B.

Moving Toward the Circular Economy: The Role of Stocks in the Chinese Steel Cycle

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan and Wang, Tao and Müller, Daniel B.

Moving towards the circular economy - the role of stocks in the Chinese steel cycle

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Wang, Tao, and Müller, Daniel B.

Reconciling sectoral abatement strategies with global climate targets: The case of the Chinese passenger vehicle fleet

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Dhaniati, Ni Made A., and Müller, Daniel B.

The role of automobiles for the future of aluminium recycling

Journal Article
Modaresi, Roja, and Müller, Daniel B.

Methodology and Indicators of Economy-wide Material Flow Accounting

Journal Article
M. Fischer-Kowalski, F. Krausmann, S. Giljum, S. Lutter, A. Mayer, S. Bringezu, Y. Moriguchi, H. Sch¨utz, H. Schandl, and H. Weisz

Dynamic Material Flow Analysis for Strategic Construction and Demolition Waste Management in Beijing

Journal Article
Hu, Mingming; van der Voet, Ester; Huppes, Gjalt

Copper and zinc recycling in Australia: potential quantities and policy options

Journal Article
D. van Beers, A. Kapur, T.E. Graedel

Dynamic material flow analysis for Norway's dwelling stock

Journal Article
Bergsdal, Håvard and Brattebø, Helge and Bohne, Rolf A. and Müller, Daniel B.

Estimation of Material Stock in Urban Civil Infrastructures and Buildings for the Prediction of Waste Generation

Journal Article
Tanikawa, Hiroki; Hashimoto, Seiji; Moriguchi, Yuichi

Predicting future emissions based on characteristics of stocks

Journal Article
van der Voet, Ester; Kleijn, René; Huele, Ruben; Ishikawa, Masanobu; Verkuijlen, Evert

The metabolism of a city: the case of Hong Kong

Journal Article
Newcombe, Ken and Kalma, Jetse D and Aston, Alan R