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17 publications found.

Comparing a territorial-based and a consumption-based approach to assess the local and global environmental performance of cities

Journal Article
Aristide Athanassiadis and Maarten Christis and Philippe Bouillard and An Vercalsteren and Robert H. Crawford and Ahmed Z. Khan

GIS‐based Analysis of Vienna's Material Stock in Buildings

Journal Article
Kleemann, Fritz and Lederer, Jakob and Rechberger, Helmut and Fellner, Johann

Material Flow Accounts and Driving Factors of Economic Growth in the Philippines

Journal Article
Martinico-Perez, Marianne Faith G. and Fishman, Tomer and Okuoka, Keijiro and Tanikawa, Hiroki

Studying construction materials flows and stock: A review

Journal Article
Vincent Augiseau and Sabine Barles

Towards a circular economy... of proximity?

Journal Article
ADEME and Mathieu DURAND and Jean-Baptiste BAHERS and Thomas BONIERBALE and Hélène BERAUD and Bruno BARROCA

A multi-regional soil phosphorus balance for exploring secondary fertilizer potential: the case of Norway

Journal Article
Hanserud, Ola Stedje, and Brod, Eva, and Ødegaard, Anne Falk, and Müller, Daniel B., and Brattebø, Helge

The Global Resource Footprint of Nations

Journal Article
Arnold Tukker and Tatyana Bulavskaya and Stefan Giljum and Arjan de Koning and Stephan Lutter and Moana Simas and Konstantin Stadler and Richard Wood

Urban Metabolism - Sustainable development of Rotterdam

Journal Article
Gemente Rotterdam and IABR and FABRIC and JCFO and TNO

Circular economy, industrial ecology. Elements of reflection at the Ile-de-France scale

Journal Article
IAU (Institut d'Aménagement et d'Urbanisme)

Methodology and Indicators of Economy-wide Material Flow Accounting

Journal Article
M. Fischer-Kowalski, F. Krausmann, S. Giljum, S. Lutter, A. Mayer, S. Bringezu, Y. Moriguchi, H. Sch¨utz, H. Schandl, and H. Weisz

Managing Materials for a Twenty-first Century Military

Journal Article
Latiff, Robert, and Müller, Daniel B.