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34 publications found.

Exploring the energy use drivers of 10 cities at microscale level

Journal Article
Aristide Athanassiadis , Gabriela Fernandez, Joao Meirelles , Franziska Meinherz , Paul Hoekman , Yves Bettignies Cari

Global scenarios of urban density and its impacts on building energy use through 2050

Journal Article
Güneralp, Burak and Zhou, Yuyu and Ürge-Vorsatz, Diana and Gupta, Mukesh and Yu, Sha and Patel, Pralit L. and Fragkias, Michail and Li, Xiaoma and Seto, Karen C.

An evaluation of the urban metabolism of Macao from 2003 to 2013

Journal Article
Kampeng Lei and Lu Liu and Inchio Lou

Comparing a territorial-based and a consumption-based approach to assess the local and global environmental performance of cities

Journal Article
Aristide Athanassiadis and Maarten Christis and Philippe Bouillard and An Vercalsteren and Robert H. Crawford and Ahmed Z. Khan

Structural, geographic, and social factors in urban building energy use: Analysis of aggregated account-level consumption data in a megacity

Journal Article
Erik Porse and Joshua Derenski and Hannah Gustafson and Zoe Elizabeth and Stephanie Pincetl

The energy metabolism of megacities

Journal Article
Angelo Facchini and Chris Kennedy and Iain Stewart and Renata Mele

The Energy Structure of the Canadian Economy

Journal Article
Kennedy, Christopher A. and Bachmann, Christian

The social metabolism of Scotland: An environmental perspective

Journal Article
S. Viglia and K.B. Matthews and D.G. Miller and D. Wardell-Johnson and M. Rivington and S. Ulgiati

Towards a Dynamic Approach to Urban Metabolism: Tracing the Temporal Evolution of Brussels' Urban Metabolism from 1970 to 2010

Journal Article
Athanassiadis, Aristide and Bouillard, Philippe and Crawford, Robert H. and Khan, Ahmed Z.

Combined MFA and LCA approach to evaluate the metabolism of service polygons: A case study on a university campus

Journal Article
Lopes Silva, Diogo Aparecido; de Oliveira, José Augusto; Saavedra, Yovana M.B.; Ometto, Aldo Roberto; Rieradevall i Pons, Joan; Gabarrell Durany, Xavier

Social metabolism: a metrics for biophysical growth and degrowth

Journal Article
Marina Fischer-Kowalski and Helmut Haberl

Material Flow Analysis (MFA) for Liveable Cities

Journal Article
Dexter V.L. Hunt; Joanne M. Leach; Susan E. Lee, Chris Bouch, Peter Braithwaite, Christopher D.F. Rogers

The Global Resource Footprint of Nations

Journal Article
Arnold Tukker and Tatyana Bulavskaya and Stefan Giljum and Arjan de Koning and Stephan Lutter and Moana Simas and Konstantin Stadler and Richard Wood

The role of in-use stocks in the social metabolism and in climate change mitigation

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Müller, Daniel B.

Urban Metabolism - Sustainable development of Rotterdam

Journal Article
Gemente Rotterdam and IABR and FABRIC and JCFO and TNO

Contextualizing the Urban Metabolism of Brussels: Correlation of resource use with local factors

Journal Article
Aristide Athanassiadis , Philippe Bouillard

Multi-scale life cycle energy analysis of a low-density suburban neighbourhood in Melbourne, Australia

Journal Article
Stephan, André; Crawford, Robert H.; and de Myttenaere, Kristel

The Roles of Energy and Material Efficiency in Meeting Steel Industry CO2 Targets

Journal Article
Milford, Rachel L., and Pauliuk, Stefan, and Allwood, Julian M., and Müller, Daniel B.

Transforming the Norwegian Dwelling Stock to reach the 2 Degrees Celsius Climate Target

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Sjöstrand, Karin, and Müller, Daniel B.

Urbanization and Socioeconomic Metabolism in Taipei

Journal Article
Huang, Shu-Li and Chen, Chia-Wen

General aspects of sustainable urban development (SUD)

Journal Article
Alessandro Costa

The components of Charleroi's ecosystem and the prospects for regional socio-economic development (preliminary study).

Journal Article
Duvigneaud, P. and Denayer, S. and Brichard, C. and Brichard, C. and Bouchat, A. and Moniquet, J.-C. and Chasseur, C.

L'écosystème URBS: L'écosystème urbain bruxellois

Journal Article
Duvigneaud, P. and Denayer-De Smet, S.