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14 publications found.

Probing uncertainty levels of electrification in informal urban settlements: A case from South Africa

Journal Article
Kovacic, Z. and Smit, S. and Musango, J.K. and Brent, A.C. and Giampietro, M.

The ferrous find: Counting iron and steel stocks in China's economy

Journal Article
Wang, Tao, and Müller, Daniel B., and Hashimoto, Senji

The global anthropogenic gallium system: Determinants of demand, supply, and efficiency improvement

Journal Article
Løvik, Amund N., and Resrepo, Eliette, and Müller, Daniel B.

Uncertainty in Material Flow Analysis Indicators at Different Spatial Levels

Journal Article
Patrício, João and Kalmykova, Yuliya and Rosado, Leonardo and Lisovskaja, Vera

Dynamic material flow analysis for PCBs in the Norwegian building stock

Journal Article
Bergsdal, Håvard, and Bratterbø, Helge, and Müller, Daniel B.

Systematic Evaluation of Uncertainty in Material Flow Analysis

Journal Article
Laner, David and Rechberger, Helmut and Astrup, Thomas

Uncertainty in Material Flow Analysis

Journal Article
Rechberger, Helmut and Cencic, Oliver and Frühwirth, Rudolf

Centennial Evolution of Aluminum In-Use Stocks on Our Aluminized Planet

Journal Article
Gang Liu, and Müller, Daniel B.

Material Flow Analysis of plastic products in Austria - Emphasis on data uncertainties in consumption sectors and solid waste management

Journal Article
Feketitsch, Julia and Buchner, Hanno and Lederer, Jakob and Laner, David and Fellner, Johann

Steel all over the world: Estimating in-use stocks of iron for 200 countries

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Wang, Tao, and Müller, Daniel B.

The Steel Scrap Age

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Milford, Rachel L., and Müller, Daniel B., and Allwood, Julian M.

A handbook of industrial ecology

Journal Article
Ayres, Robert U and Ayres, Leslie

Data quality management for life cycle inventories—an example of using data quality indicators

Journal Article
Weidema, Bo Pedersen and Wesnæs, Marianne Suhr