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4 publications found.

Global scenarios of urban density and its impacts on building energy use through 2050

Journal Article
Güneralp, Burak and Zhou, Yuyu and Ürge-Vorsatz, Diana and Gupta, Mukesh and Yu, Sha and Patel, Pralit L. and Fragkias, Michail and Li, Xiaoma and Seto, Karen C.

Energy and material flows of megacities

Journal Article
Kennedy, Christopher A. and Stewart, Iain and Facchini, Angelo and Cersosimo, Igor and Mele, Renata and Chen, Bin and Uda, Mariko and Kansal, Arun and Chiu, Anthony and Kim, Kwi-gon and Dubeux, Carolina and Lebre La Rovere, Emilio and Cunha, Bruno and Pin

In-use product stocks link manufactured capital to natural capital

Journal Article
Wei-Qiang Chen and T.E. Graedal