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14 publications found.

An evaluation of the urban metabolism of Macao from 2003 to 2013

Journal Article
Kampeng Lei and Lu Liu and Inchio Lou

Follow the N and P road: High-resolution nutrient flow analysis of the Flanders region as precursor for sustainable resource management

Journal Article
Joeri Coppens and Erik Meers and Nico Boon and Jeroen Buysse and Siegfried E. Vlaeminck

Mapping the anthropogenic stock in Germany: Metabolic evidence for a circular economy

Journal Article
Georg Schiller and Felix Müller and Regine Ortlepp

Studying construction materials flows and stock: A review

Journal Article
Vincent Augiseau and Sabine Barles

Using change detection data to assess amount and composition of demolition waste from buildings in Vienna

Journal Article
Fritz Kleemann; Hubert Lehner; Anna Szczypińska; Jakob Lederer; Johann Fellner

Combined MFA and LCA approach to evaluate the metabolism of service polygons: A case study on a university campus

Journal Article
Lopes Silva, Diogo Aparecido; de Oliveira, José Augusto; Saavedra, Yovana M.B.; Ometto, Aldo Roberto; Rieradevall i Pons, Joan; Gabarrell Durany, Xavier

Industrial metabolism of PVC in China: A dynamic material flow analysis

Journal Article
Zhou, Yucheng; Yang, Ning; Hu, Shanying

Steel all over the world: Estimating in-use stocks of iron for 200 countries

Journal Article
Pauliuk, Stefan, and Wang, Tao, and Müller, Daniel B.

The Austrian P budget as a basis for resource optimization

Journal Article
Egle, L and Zoboli, O and Thaler, S and Rechberger, H and Zessner, M

Input, stocks and output flows of urban residential building system in Beijing city, China from 1949 to 2008

Journal Article
Hu, Dan; You, Fang; Zhao, Yanhua; Yuan, Ye; Liu, Tianxing; Cao, Aixin; Wang, Zhen; Zhang, Junlian

Analysis of regional material flows: The case of the Czech Republic

Journal Article
Kovanda, Jan and Weinzettel, Jan and Hak, Tomas

Metal capital sustaining a North American city: Iron and copper in New Haven, CT

Journal Article
Konstantine Drakonakis, Katherine Rostkowski, Jason Rauch, T.E. Graedel, R.B. Gordon

Plastics materials flow analysis for India

Journal Article
Nitin H. Muthaa, Martin and Patela, V. Premnathb