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4 publications found.

Sustainable urban metabolism as a link between bio-physical sciences and urban planning: The BRIDGE project

Journal Article
Chrysoulakis, Nektarios and Lopes, Myriam and San José, Roberto and Betham Grimmond , Christine Susan and Jones , Mike B. and Magliulo , Vincenzo and Klostermann , Judith E.M. and Synnefa , Afroditi and Mitraka , Zina and Castro, Eduardo A. and González , Ainhoa and Vogt , Roland and Vesala , Timo and Spano , Donatella and Pigeon , Gregoire and Freer-Smith , Peter and Staszewski , Tomasz and Hodges , Nick and Mills , Gerald and Cartalis, Constantinos

An expanded urban metabolism method: Toward a systems approach for assessing urban energy processes and causes

Journal Article
Pincetl, Stephanie and Bunje, Paul and Holmes, Tisha

Materials Flow Analysis and Emergy Evaluation of Taipei's Urban Construction

Journal Article
Huang, Shu-Li and Hsu, Wan-Ling