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Carbon, water and energy fluxes of terrestrial ecosystems in Italy

Carbon, water and energy fluxes of terrestrial ecosystems in Italy
Dario Papale
Mirco Migliavacca
Edoardo Cremonese
Alessandro Cescatti
Giorgio Alberti
Nicola Arriga
Manuela Balzarolo
Luca Belelli
Eleonora Canfora
Raffaele Casa
Pierpaolo Duce
Osvaldo Facini
Marta Galvagno
Lorenzo Genesio
Damiano Gianelle
Vincenzo Magliulo
Giorgio Matteucci
Leonardo Montagnani
Fabio Petrella
Andrea Pitacco
Guenther Seufert
Donatella Spano
Paolo Stefani
Francesco Vaccari
Riccardo Valentini
Journal Article
Springer Publisher
The book addresses in a comprehensive way the full greenhouse gases budget of the Italian landscape, focusing on land use and terrestrial ecosystems. In recent years there has been a growing interest in the role of terrestrial ecosystems with regard to the carbon cycle and only recently a regional approach has been considered for its specificity in terms of new methodologies for observations and models and its relevance for national policies on mitigation and adaptation to climate changes. In terms of methods this book describes the role of flux networks and data-driven models, airborne regional measurements of fluxes and specific sectoral approaches related to important components of the human and natural landscapes. There is also a growing need on the part of institutions, agencies and policy stakeholders for new data and analyses enabling them to improve their national inventories of greenhouse gases and their compliance with the UNFCCC process. In this respect the data presented is a basis for a full carbon accounting and available to relevant stakeholders for improvements and/or verification of national inventories. The wealth of research information is the result of a national project, CARBOITALY, which involved 15 Italian institutions and several researchers to provide new data and analyses in the framework of climate policies
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