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Materials accounting as a tool for decision making in environmental policy (MAc TEmPo)

Materials accounting as a tool for decision making in environmental policy (MAc TEmPo)
Paul H. Brunner
T. Laner
U. Lohm
U. de Haes
M. Desitler
Peter Baccini
Journal Article
CORDIS - European Commission
The main objective of MAc TEmPo was to supply tools for decision makers in environmental protection and
resources conservation. Previous work of the partners indicated, that MFA can be successfully used for: Early
recognition of future problems of environmental loadings and resource depletion, to set priorities and to define
measures for efficient environmental protection and resources utilization, and to analyse and improve the effect
of measures taken in environmental policy. Based on this experience, MFA can be seen as a key instrument for
the transition from today's 'filter-strategy' to the next generation of source oriented environmental measures,
focusing on the total regional metabolism and not on wastes and emissions alone.
Additional objectives were: to develop and improve existing and new computer based models for MFA, to share
MFA experiences by the partners in four workshops and by the exchange of personnel, and to increase the
number of experts in the field of MFA by involving additional research groups in the project. Also, the capacity
to use statistics in support of environmental policy was to be improved. A more specific project aim was to look
into early recognition of future risks of certain material flows by identifying long-term accumulations and depletion.
Measurable objectives include the goals reached in the case studies (national and urban metabolism of
metals, chlorine and other materials; MFA models) and to give first proposals of how to use MFA for decision
making in environmental protection and resource conservation. In relation to this task, it should be noted, that
the MAc TEmPo team included only one expert from the field of political science.
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