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Economy-wide Material Flow Accounting "Guide for beginners"

Economy-wide Material Flow Accounting "Guide for beginners"
Nina Eisenmenger
Willi Haas
Fridolin Krausmann
Helmut Schütz
Helga Weisz
Journal Article

This is a very useful hands-on guide that illustrates how to perform an Economy-wide Material Flow Analysis. Instructions, detailed examples, and descriptions on how to tackle each of the categories are included, broken down by table (referring to the Eurostat spreadsheet):

  • Table A: Domestic Extraction
  • Table B and C: Imports and Exports
  • Table D: Domestic Processed Output (DPO)

Finally, a section on indicators sheds more light on how to calculate and use those

This particular version is the "Draft version November 2006", included in a list of documents on the CIRCABC section of the European Commission website. Whether or not a final version is available is unclear.

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