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Material flow accounting and analysis: A Valuable Tool for Analyses of Society-Nature Interrelationships

Material flow accounting and analysis: A Valuable Tool for Analyses of Society-Nature Interrelationships
Friedrich Hinterberger
Stefan Giljum
Mark Hammer
Journal Article
Vienna: Sustainable Europe Research Institute.(SERI Background Paper 2)
This paper aims at summarizing methodological foundations and the state of the art in the rapidly emerging field of material flow accounting and analysis (MFA).

1. Introduction
2. Historical development of MFA
3. Methodological foundations
4. Categories of material flows
5. A general scheme for economy-wide MFA
6. Indicators derived from economy-wide MFA
7. The LCA-oriented method for calculating indirect material flows
8. The input-output based approach for calculating indirect flows
9. Main applications of economy-wide MFA
10. Shortcomings of the MFA approach
11. State of the art in economy-wide MFA
12. Selected empirical results
13. Extensions and further methodological development of MFA
Open Access
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