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Flows and stocks of goods in the anthroposphere of Vienna, Austria

The illustration is noted to demonstrate the flows and stocks of goods in the anthroposphere of Vienna, Austria (flows in tonnes per capita per year (t/c.y); stocks in tonnes per capita; offgas includes all gaseous emissions to the atmosphere).

Further details

Material flow analysis: A tool to support environmental policy decision making. Case-studies on the city of Vienna and the Swiss lowlands
Hendriks, Carolyn and Obernosterer, Richard and Müller, Daniel and Kytzia, Susanne and Baccini, Peter and Brunner, Paul H
Daxbeck, H., Lampert, C., Morf, L., Obernosterer, R., Rechberger, H., Reiner, I. & Brunner, P.H. (1996) Der anthropognene Stoffhaushalt der Stadt Wien. Pilot Project (Vienna, Institute for Water Quality and Waste Management, Vienna University of Technology).
More information
Uploaded by
Gabriela Fernandez
Nov 30, 2016

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