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Urban Metabolism of Bangkok for the year 2000

This infographic was used to look at six different Asian cities and their urban metabolism. They first present an aggregated graphic, then present a more detailed version of the same right after (look at the report if you are interested to see). On the left, resources are listed and on the right, the industries in which they were used in. One improvement that this graphic needs is that the diagram itself is pixelated, while the text is clear. Be careful when transferring graphics to make sure the image is high quality.

Further details

Urban Metabolism of Six Asian Cities
Paulo Ferrao and João Fumega and Nuno Gomes and Samuel Niza and André Pina and Luis Santos
More information
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Oct 23, 2016

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Please note that these data visualizations come from external sources (journal publications, academic books, reports, etc.). Copyright of these data visualizations is held by the publishers or authors. We have included these data visualizations on our website under the principles of fair use. However, if you would like to reuse any of these images be sure to either comply with the rules around fair use in your country or consult the original authors or publishers if in doubt.

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