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Toronto household mass and energy flows

This graph shows mass and energy flows on a household level. It is part of a neighborhood-level study done in Toronto. Relationships and different phases are clearly represented in this visualization. There is no indicator of flow size other than the numbers, and the style is fairly simple - which has both benefits (easy to understand, easy to produce) and drawbacks (little visual appeal, only conveys a few pieces of information at the same time).

From the paper:

Mass and energy flows of goods associated with activity to nourish in Toronto households in 2000. Figure on food input includes food consumed outside of home. Numbers indicate mass/dry matter (kg/capita/year) energy content is presented in square brackets (GJ/capita/year) STP denotes sewage treatment plant; GJ denotes Giga Joules, where 1 GJ= 10 9 J. Note: Total amounts may not add up due to rounding.

Further details

Metabolism of Neighborhoods
Codoban, Natalia and Kennedy, Christopher
More information
Uploaded by
Paul Hoekman
Oct 10, 2016

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